Hi! Please call me Vero. Long story short...

I’ve been tagged as a creative probably since I was able to use a crayon. I drew, wrote, fell in love with books, artsy tv shows, and crafts, danced classical ballet, painted, and eventually studied Graphic Design. That was the start of my life as a creative professional, and I always felt lucky to be one of those. After finishing my studies I was in a good place. Venezuela, on the other hand, was not. So around this point, I decided to migrate.

I left the crisis in 2014 and moved to Berlin with 10€ and a box of insulin. Next thing I know, I’m doing everything I can to survive and I forgot about any dreams and hopes about the future. My main goal was to feel safe and at home, and my life script became:

Once I have _____ (a room to sleep, enough German, a Master's, a safe job, permanent residence) then I would be happy and free to do whatever I want.

me + my little family + everything else

me + my little family + everything else

Spoiler alert: it didn’t work that way. I just kept making my decisions based on what the immigration office wanted from me instead of asking myself what I wanted. And when I finally got everything I needed (the home, job, permanent residence, partner, and adorable dog) I realized I didn’t know what I wanted to do with that. I felt lost, and confused: now what?

Luckily, coaching found me, together with therapy. It helped me realize that I forgot to nurture my creative self and that I didn’t need to wait for anything to do that. I’ve been making sense of my migration story since then, wishing I had access to those tools when I landed in Germany. It might have saved me a few steps to get to where I am today.

<aside> 🪴 I now help migrants, creatives and creative migrants like you get rid of what’s on the way to becoming who you want to be, to thrive wherever you live.


My qualifications + skills**:**

Random things about me: